
Ear Stretching Experiences

I began stretching my ears last November, starting at 18g with a goal of either 8g or 6g. I did my research carefully, figuring out what I needed to do in order to get things right. I waited the recommended amount of time before going up each size. So far, so good. And then I came to 10g. I don't know what it is about that size, but that's where the trouble began.
The tapers were difficult to slide through, and in hindsight, I should have known that they were too difficult. But I persevered because I have a high pain tolerance and am also stubborn. They stung for several days and my lobes were shiny and tight looking. So I finally gave in and out came a lovely mix of blood and that white pus stuff. At least it wasn't infected. I downsized & pouted.
And now we come to today. Three weeks later, my "bitch ear" (the one that is more difficult/painful to stretch) is bleeding again. Three weeks! I'd really rather not give up on it, so I'm going to put a glass plug in instead of the metal one and see if things improve.  Once I actually get this right, a stretching 101 post will be forthcoming. In the meantime the BAF Forum and of course BMEzine are wonderful resources.

Lesson of the day: listen to instinct when messing with your body, folks.

I hope this is helping someone out there, if there is even someone reading it. Who's a lazy blogger? This kid!