
Ear Stretching Experiences

I began stretching my ears last November, starting at 18g with a goal of either 8g or 6g. I did my research carefully, figuring out what I needed to do in order to get things right. I waited the recommended amount of time before going up each size. So far, so good. And then I came to 10g. I don't know what it is about that size, but that's where the trouble began.
The tapers were difficult to slide through, and in hindsight, I should have known that they were too difficult. But I persevered because I have a high pain tolerance and am also stubborn. They stung for several days and my lobes were shiny and tight looking. So I finally gave in and out came a lovely mix of blood and that white pus stuff. At least it wasn't infected. I downsized & pouted.
And now we come to today. Three weeks later, my "bitch ear" (the one that is more difficult/painful to stretch) is bleeding again. Three weeks! I'd really rather not give up on it, so I'm going to put a glass plug in instead of the metal one and see if things improve.  Once I actually get this right, a stretching 101 post will be forthcoming. In the meantime the BAF Forum and of course BMEzine are wonderful resources.

Lesson of the day: listen to instinct when messing with your body, folks.

I hope this is helping someone out there, if there is even someone reading it. Who's a lazy blogger? This kid!


Monday: Man in Glasses

Half naked man in glasses. With wonderful hair. Still trying to figure out what he's holding. An ornament? Tiny boxing gloves?

Credit to the original photographer. 


Monday: Man in Glasses

I realize that is a perfectly terrible title, but I haven't got anything better at the moment. I've decided to post pictures of guys in glasses on Mondays, because why not?

We'll start this feature off with Ewan McGregor, one of my favorite man-types.

Credit goes to whoever took this picture; I just grabbed it out of my blog reader. If you want it taken down, let me know.